Our Focus
We will invest in work among the least reached people of the world that accelerates and strengthens evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership development, and holistic ministry to the poorest of the poor. Our priorities are reflected in our teams and the characteristics of our grant criteria:
- India
- Southeast Asia
- Middle East and North Africa
- West Africa
- Leadership Development
- Scripture Translation
GROVE Ministry Selection Criteria
- Godly leadership
- Strategic Vision
- Sense of urgency and clear focus
- High accountability and transparency
- Commitment to collaboration
- Financial efficiency and integrity
- Gospel-Centeredness
- Demonstrated momentum
GROVEGRANT Selection Criteria
- Programs with explicit spiritual objectives vs. solely social/physical ones
- Opportunities for innovation, impact & leverage vs. maintaining status quo
- Supporting indigenous leadership vs. western missionaries
- Program initiatives vs. bricks and mortar
- Current & future programs vs. deficits
- Persecuted or unreached areas vs. areas with a healthy, established Church
- Ministries that are open to active investors vs. passive donors